"Can Smartrr do that?"

It's our favorite question because the answer is almost always "Yes." To make it simple, we laid out all the features that will save you time, make you more money, and improve your susbcribers' experiences.

When it comes to subscriptions, you have choices.
Here's why Smartrr is the one you won't regret.


Custom subscriptions, without custom builds

The Smartrr platform is flexible enough to handle any subscription use case without custom code and powerful enough to scale with you no matter how big you get.


A partner and support you can always count on

With a dedicated implementation team, a named CSM and 24/7 support, Smartrr has real people behind its product you can actually speak to and rely on.


Subscriber experiences that delight, and convert

The Smartrr subscriber portal is unrivaled when it comes to branding and customer engagement. Delight customers, reduce support tickets and increase revenue.


Subscriptions and Loyalty, together on one platform

Consolidate your tech stack, integrate the subscription & loyalty customer experience and do more of what matters most—increase repeat purchases.

There’s a lot of
subscription platforms,
here’s what sets us apart


Dynamic Subscriptions Programs

The Smartrr platform is flexible enough to handle any subscription use case without custom code and powerful enough to scale with you no matter how big you get.


Being a partner in growth

With a dedicated implementation team, a named CSM and 24/7 support, Smartrr has real people behind its product you can actually speak to and rely on.


A better customer portal experience

The Smartrr subscriber portal is unrivaled when it comes to branding and customer engagement. Delight customers, reduce support tickets and increase revenue.


Subscriptions + Loyalty on one platform

Consolidate your tech stack, integrate the subscription & loyalty customer experience and do more of what matters most—increase repeat purchases.

Subscription Programs

All the different ways you can sell subscriptions with Smartrr. You have a vision, we'll make it happen.

Merchant Tools

All the features that will make your life as an operator easier.

Subscriber Portal

Elevate your subscriber experience. The Smartrr subscriber portal is always on brand, intuitive for your customers to login and manage their subscriptions, and comes equipped with tools that will help you sell more product.

Loyalty Rewards

This is a game changer. Smartrr is the only subscription platform with a native Loyalty Rewards solution. Consolidate your tech stack and do more of what matters most, increase repeat purchasers.


These features will make your smarter. All the data you need in one place, right at your fingertips.

Support & Implementation

Get expert guidance and dedicated support every step of the way. Just get started, and you’ll know what we’re talking about.

Subscription Programs

Meet your audience on the right channels 
Stay connected to your audience, wherever they are


Give customers control to choose their own item to build custom bundle subscriptions.


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Subscribe & save

Your basic subscription program, customize shipping frequencies, discounts and eligible products.

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Monthly Boxes

Set fixed dates for billing and product shipment, scheduling predictable cycles for seasonal products or subscription boxes.

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Enable customers to pay upfront for a set number of subscription deliveries.


Provide customers with a membership experience on your online store. Requires custom coding.

Bundle-Only Products

Offer exclusive products only in bundles, not available for individual purchasing.

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Bundles Liquid

Override bundle defaults with custom code.

Flexible Bundle Sizes

Provide flexible bundle options
(e.g., 4-pack, 6-pack, 8-pack) to cater to customer choices.

Ready-Made Bundles

Offer pre-selected subscription boxes to simplify signup and boost recurring revenue.

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Line Item

Give customers complete control over their build-a-box using any line item from your Shopify store.

No-Code Build-A-Box Widget

Easily implement a no-code build-a-box widget on your product pages.

Digital Product Subscriptions

Offer subscription access to your digital product.

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Subscription Flow Builder

Control the subscriber journey by swapping out products or changing discounts at any point in a subscription.

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Analytics & Insights

From cohort retention analysis to churn reasons, Smartrr analytics equips you with the data you need to increase recurring revenue and LTV.


Stay informed with insights about the state of your subscription business.


Business Insight Emails

Get a weekly overview of your subscriptions, delivered straight to your inbox.

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Cohort Retention

View customer retention over time with cohort-based analysis.

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Loyalty Analytics
& Insights

Track and measure the impact of loyalty on subscribers and your bottom line.

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Subscription Flow Builder

Control the subscriber journey by swapping out products or changing discounts at any point in a subscription.

SKU Reporting

Analyze sales and subscriptions volume by product-variants and SKU’s.

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Customer Demographic Data

Analyze subscriber data by location & more.

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Inventory Forecasting

Manage inventory with insights into upcoming renewals and subscribed products.

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