

Smartrr Dunning Management

Maximize revenue collected with Smartrr Dunning Management


Set automated retry attempts, delay schedules, and cancellation thresholds for failed payments.

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A big reason for involuntary churn is payment failures due to expired cards or insufficient funds in the shopper's payment method.


With our Smartrr Dunning Management, you can tackle this by proactively identifying at risk payment methods and automatically retrying failed payments multiple times before a subscription is canceled. This not only helps recover lost revenue but also enhances customer satisfaction by providing them with additional opportunities to resolve payment issues they may not even be aware of, such as expired credit cards.



‍Why set up Smartrr Dunning Management?




  • Proactively intervene before failed payments even happen
  • Reduce involuntary and passive churn
  • Quickly identify failed payment attempts
  • Understand trends with in-depth audit logs and analytics
  • Increase successful payment collections
  • Improve the customer experience and LTV
  • Minimize manual intervention in payment processing


Less manual work. Happier customers. More collected revenue. This is a must-have for any subscription brand.



How it works


Proactively identify at-risk payment methods

Smartrr will automatically check all upcoming orders to see if the payment method on file is set to expire before the next billing date.





Send Proactive Email & SMS Notifications

Before a failed payment even happens, Smartrr will send customer notifications via email & SMS alerting the customer to update their payment method before the next billing date.






Automatically retry failed payments

Set a number of retry attempts for failed payments, giving your customers ample opportunity to update their payment information.






Customize your payment retry preference

Configure a grace period between retry attempts, striking the perfect balance between persistence and customer consideration.





Limit failed payment cycles before a subscription is automatically canceled






Optimize your payment retries with audit logs and analytics

Leverage up-to the minute data to see where you can improve your payment processing to keep growing the amount of revenue you actually collect


Want this for your brand?

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