Passwordless Login

Native to Shopify and paired with a 6-digit code, returning customers can seamlessly access their account portal with Smartrr's passwordless login.

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    Passwordless = Frictionless
    Studies show that 92% of consumers would rather leave a website than reset their login credentials. But consumers are 35% more likely to sign up for a service if a no-password option is available.

    Meet the Smartrr passwordless login on the subscription market.

    Native to Shopify and paired with a 6-digit code, returning customers can seamlessly access their account portal by entering their email and referring to the user-friendly access code in their inbox.

    With passwordless login, brands are seeing numerous benefits, like-
    An increase in retention
    ๐ŸŒŸ Improvement in the customer experience
    ๐Ÿ“‰ Reduced customer support tickets

    Learn how to set up Passwordless Login here.
