Smartrr has a great app. At the bare bones, you guys do subscriptions and you do it well. But then there are all your other features like Loyalty, BYOB, Gifting — everything encompassed in that is a no-brainer because you don’t just do subscriptions— there are all these other elements that connect and relate and work well together.
Sam Smith
Co-Founder, Pointer
Smartrr has a great app. At the bare bones, you guys do subscriptions and you do it well. But then there are all your other features like Loyalty, BYOB, Gifting — everything encompassed in that is a no-brainer because you don’t just do subscriptions— there are all these other elements that connect and relate and work well together.
Sam SmithSam SmithSam Smith
Smartrr has a great app. At the bare bones, you guys do subscriptions and you do it well. But then there are all your other features like Loyalty, BYOB, Gifting — everything encompassed in that is a no-brainer because you don’t just do subscriptions— there are all these other elements that connect and relate and work well together.
Sam SmithSam SmithSam Smith
Smartrr has a great app. At the bare bones, you guys do subscriptions and you do it well. But then there are all your other features like Loyalty, BYOB, Gifting — everything encompassed in that is a no-brainer because you don’t just do subscriptions— there are all these other elements that connect and relate and work well together.
Sam SmithSam SmithSam Smith